Neuer Markt Square, Stralsund


We are happy to share with you our design for the Neuer Markt Square Competition!


The aim of the competition is the design of the historical square, taking in consideration its surroundings, the historical context, and the nowadays requirements of the space. The car park is envisioned as a lively square; the residual green spaces around the St Mary´s church as a garden; and the memorial as a natural part of its surroundings.

The imposing nave of St Mary´s Church watches over the square and the garden. The green frame located in the direct shadow of the church is both a retreat and a place of rest. It gently embeds the church in the urban space and creates a pleasant distance to the lively urban space.

The historic urban figure of the square and of the town hall are integrated in our design. The former urban edge and the historic town hall are traced. In area surrounding the church, the historic building façade is reinterprated in the form of a stone wall, thus simultaneously emphasising and enlivening the boundary between the square and the garden.

A clear transition is created between the memorial and the square. The pedestal of the memorial is redesigned, so that the memorial becomes part of the surrounding garden. In this way the view towards the north portal will no longer be obstructed. It is proposed that the memorial stone plates will be freed from their strict order dispersed in the lawn under the trees.

The green frame around the nave is strengthened by a new path system. Spring-flowering plants bring colourful accents to the green surroundings of the church. The memorial fits naturally and unobtrusively into this composition.




Square & City


Competition, 1st Prize


Hansestadt Stralsund, Stadterneuerungsgesellschaft Stralsund mbH




2900 m²


Square, Stay, Redesign, Church, Pavement, market, Water feature, Memorial, NMS

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